Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Smart, Cute and Vegetarian

Vegetarians are often asked, "But if you don't eat meat, why do you wear leather shoes?"

And, too often, the answer has been that it's hard to find cute, comfortable non-leather shoes.

Enter Ahimsa Footwear. Inside a little yellow house near the intersection of 17th and Park Avenues, Denver vegetarians can find shoes that match their beliefs and their sense of style. Prices range from $42 to $194 for women's shoes, and $25 to $170 for men's.

Ahimsa Footwear also sells vegetarian handbags, messenger bags, wallets and other accessories.

The Ahimsa website states that all of the store's products come from manufacturers who have pledged not to use sweatshop labor.

Ahimsa Footwear
1688 Marion Street
Denver, CO 80218
303-860-VEGI (8344)

Photos taken from the Ahimsa Footwear website

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to tell my sister about this site. She would get these for sure.
