I'm not a big on meat substitutes, but when summer weather arrives, I want a veggie brat.* And, of course, with a veggie brat, one must have potato salad.
There are a lot of different potato salads out there, but my Grandma's recipe is my favorite. Packed with olives, hardboiled egg and celery seed (o! the celery seed!), it's almost a meal in itself.
Well, almost. Can't forget the veggie brat.
Folks who want to lighten the recipe up a bit can use soy mayo in place of the regular mayo, and use only the whites of the hardboiled eggs in the salad.
4 medium red potatoes, washed
1/3 of a 10 oz jar of green olives (with pimento)
3 hardboiled eggs, shelled and chopped
mayo (1/3 cup or less)
1 rib celery, washed and chopped
1/4 teaspoon celery seed
1/4 teaspoon salt
black pepper and paprika to taste
Boil the whole potatoes in enough water to cover the potatoes, until tender (about 20 minutes, depending on the size of your potatoes). When the potatoes are easily pierced by a fork, remove from heat and cool.
Dice the cooled potatoes into 1 inch chunks, removing and discarding the skin in the process.
Place the potatoes in a large bowl.
Lightly toss the potatoes with 3 tablespoons olive juice.
Slice the olives and add them to the bowl, along with the chopped celery.
Stir in mayo till moist.
Add celery seed, salt, and black pepper to taste. Stir.
Dust with paprika.
Cover and chill.
Serves 4.
*Edited to change "braut" to "brat" after Claire of Culinary Colorado helpfully pointed out that a braut is a German bride, not a food. To provide further clarification, when I say "veggie brat," I am referring to this, not this.
I hope you're having a veggie brAt, not a veggie brAUt. Brat is a German sausage. Braut is a German bride. You actually might prefer a veggie groom. :-)
Claire @ http://culinary-colorado.blogspot.com
Oh, geez. No, I am not a carnivore! Thanks for pointing that out.
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